Lalo’s (@laleezyy) career really started with an infatuation for fashion that quickly evolved to a healthy obsession. Not only was the front end creative side appealing to him, but he knew that the foundation started with every line that was drawn out to execute any garment. Every seam, every stitch, every panel, every detail, every single line meant something to him. Being born in 1990, 30 miles South of Los Angeles, the only early inspiration he was able to draw from was TV. With his older brother and sister having that 90’s obsession over music, MTV was always on which his eyes were always drawn to what people were wearing and how they were wearing clothes. As a kid he was able to understand that every individual putting their outfits together would ultimately give them a perception of their personality. He begged the question... “How do I want to be perceived?”.
Read the exclusive TAIKAN interview and stream the Spotify playlist HERE.